The Economic Model of Planet+Ultra®

In Search of Lost Time

After this preliminary odyssey to the farthest outreaches of what our neuroplasticity allows us to imagine, let us reclaim some space and time, not only to redefine our earthly boundaries as we re-enter our known atmosphere, empowered with the experience gained in search of time long lost, but also to determine the coordinates of our conceptual "point zero", which will be our matrix core (or anchor point) inside the NetPlusUltra®-sustained capitalization system.
This is where we exit the international space of a globally disseminated civilization, defined as "the highest degree of unity of the groups which compose humankind" (in "L'Épopée des civilisations", Bernard NADOULEK, Eyrolles 2005, p. 23), to enter the more concrete domain (in identity terms) of how such unity spreads across the (group[s] of) geographic territories which make up a sovereign state. If each civilization is dispersed to the point of appearing like a virtual reality, it is also interesting to note that each country "contains" (its own unique mosaic of) all civilizations.
Here again, a chrono-thematic matrix for conceptual implementation similar to the one I introduced in the previous section will help to make the right decisions pertaining to aggregation, restoration, or deconstruction. The upper horizontal axis thereof shows the great knowledge areas already presented, enhanced with redirections to the corresponding news categories, whereas the various time scales aggregate along the vertical axis to the left, starting from the real-time dimension, up to the year-end review and the balanced sheet of accounts. The matrix intersection of both perspectives is meant to produce a cross-selection of relevant information sources from the corresponding Qwant search results (please refer to the Slidefolio page in case of display issues on mobile devices).

The National Economy on Planet+Ultra®

National matrix for conceptual implementation:
(*) UoT = Unit of Time.
From a conceptual standpoint, it is not uninteresting either to observe that the more immediate the information is, the more the contents related thereto betray an emergency situation pertaining to a specific historical background in the unfolding, whereas the more deferred the timeframe of consideration becomes, the more we progress upwards, through retro-prospective analysis, in the spheres of knowledge and research. As you can see, your SWOT margin for "optimizing by customizing (or learning by doing)" is largely…spectroscopic!
