The Economic Model of Planet+Ultra®

Saving the World, One Accounting Dashboard at a Time

On Planet+Ultra®, each franchised author holds legal responsibility over the EVM-based accounting dashboard pertaining to the purpose of his·her perimeter of affiliation, and is expected to wrap the latter up at the end of each accounting period, around a balance which is conceptualized to remain positive so as to keep sustaining added value.
To provide as broad as possible an overview of the way by which this (conceptually integrated) master franchising system aggregates each individual accounting report into a global investment outcome (from the bottom-right square of the chart's global liabilities side, to the upper-left global assets corner thereof), I'd like to introduce the following meta-matrix for self-guidance, as an introduction to the global economy of Planet+Ultra®:
Constituted of 4x4 accounting frames dedicated both to the deconstruction of debt (left-to-right and top-down views of the franchised insider) and to the aggregation of value (right-to-left and bottom-up perspectives of the non-franchised outsider), which are explained along the chart's top horizontal rows and left vertical column headers, this matrix is engineered so as to enable progressive knowledge acquisition by the beginner, as much as rapid changes of plans for more advanced users (please refer to the Slidefolio page in case of display issues on mobile devices).

The Global Economy of Planet+Ultra®

Global matrix for conceptual implementation:
  • Credit+Ultra®
  • Debit+Ultra®
As you will come to understand - provided you've been following so far (otherwise, you can still blog in for the catch-up thread [*] available on my Metafolio website) - all economies (not only of scale) are "encoded" in the formula: this means that by conceptualizing the Maslow principle towards accurate self-assessment of individual needs (dimensions of the cognitive economy), the affiliate members' individual accounting dashboards will aggregate themselves up into a form of franchised mutualization of collaborative efforts (dimensions of the social economy), which will ultimately help connect the general public (dimensions of the material economy) to the web franchising system's knowledge spectroscopy for conceptual decision-making (dimensions of the digital knowledge economy).
In terms of conceptual target-actual comparison, the aggregation of user data through the Unified Concept Declaration (UDC) is conceived so as to provide for customized adjustments towards smooth (matrix-based) disintegration of any problem (generating default variances) into the specific conceptual solution grid thereto.
